Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

Meet our people


Mr. Hout Bunhok

Mr. Hout Bunhok

The Chairman of Administrative Council

Dr. Sim Piseth

Dr. Sim Piseth

HVTO Founder and CEO

Mr. Meng Seaknam

Mr. Meng Seaknam

The Deputy Director and General Manager

Mr. Sinh Song

Mr. Sinh Song

Sponsorship Coordinator

Mrs. Som Somphors

Mrs. Som Somphors

Assistant to Accountant

Community committees and Local Authorities Coordinator

Mr. Deb Bokun

Mr. Deb Bokun

The Chairman of community committee to HVTO I

Mr. Poeurn Horn

Mr. Poeurn Horn

Chairman of the community committee to support HVTO II

Mr. Choan Serey

Mr. Choan Serey

Member of Kontreang Commune Hall as the Representative from Local Authorities

Mr. Ine Un

Mr. Ine Un

HVTO Superintendent for HVTO I and HVTO II Campuses

Mr. Naem Rotthy

Mr. Naem Rotthy

The Assistance to Director

Team to run HVTO I Campus

Mr. Dey Mey

Mr. Dey Mey

School Principal for HVTO I Campus

Mr. Yen Vuth

Mr. Yen Vuth

Teacher of computer

Mrs. Loun Phounam

Mrs. Loun Phounam

A Librarian

Ms. Moeung Kunthea

Ms. Moeung Kunthea

Teacher of English

Ms. Sor Runrong

Ms. Sor Runrong

Teacher of English

Mr. Lok Serey

Mr. Lok Serey

Teacher of English

Ms. Nan Thavan

Ms. Nan Thavan

Teacher of English

Team to run HVTO II Campus

Mr. Heap Hean

Mr. Heap Hean

School Principal for HVTO II Campus

Mr. Riem Ponlok

Mr. Riem Ponlok

Teacher of computer

Mrs. Lem Yeat

Mrs. Lem Yeat

Teacher of English

Mrs. Phal Lina

Mrs. Phal Lina

Teacher of English


Dr. Lawrence Chan

Dr. Lawrence Chan

The founder of Seal of Love Charitable Foundation from Hong Kong

Mrs. Ruth Hopfer Kubsch

Mrs. Ruth Hopfer Kubsch

The founder of Studiosus Foundation e.V from Germany

Sponsored by the VIKING

Sponsored by the VIKING

VIKING Family of staff and guests

Ms. Patti G. Baker

Ms. Patti G. Baker

The president of HTVO USA, a 501C3 Corporation

Ms. Debbie Lee

Ms. Debbie Lee

The Operation Director of A Drop of Life from Hong Kong http://adropoflife.org/

Mr. Robin Walker

Mr. Robin Walker

Advisor from Canada

Mrs. Julie Schrag

Mrs. Julie Schrag

Supporter from Australia

Mr. Bragi Jonsson

Mr. Bragi Jonsson

Ambassador in Iceland

Mr. Danny Mackaploo

Mr. Danny Mackaploo

Former volunteer from US living in Cambodia

Mr. Michael Dove

Mr. Michael Dove

Former volunteer from UK

Mr. Ed McCauley from US

Mr. Ed McCauley from US

Ambassador from Honolulu, Hawaii

Frank and Donna

Frank and Donna

Ambassador in Tucson, AZ

Friends from Oklahoma

Friends from Oklahoma

Oklahom, Norman, USA

Ms. Janet Gladstein

Ms. Janet Gladstein

Ambassador in USA

Mr. Carlos Sanchez

Mr. Carlos Sanchez

The founder of Tomando Conciencia from Spain

John and Deanne Bailey

John and Deanne Bailey

Ambassador from Virginia/DC Area

Mr. Simon Johnson

Mr. Simon Johnson

Ambassador in UK


CHAPTER I: Name Address Logo and Stamp

UNIT 1: Name
Under the Cambodian Constitution in unit (42) every Cambodian person has the right and freedom to create a non-governmental organization, one such organization was created with the name HOMESTAY VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ORGANIZATION (H.V.T.O). It is a non-governmental organization which is not tied to a political party; there is no discrimination as to race, color, religion or political affiliation. It is intended to be for the better good of the community and the nation.
UNIT 2: Address
H. V.T.O has its centre in house 132, Group 14, Sophy Village, Kontreang commune, Brasat Bakong district, Siem Reap Province, Angkor Cambodia. The address can be changed with the decision of a meeting of administrative council of HOMESTAY VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ORGANIZATION. H.V.T.O will have branches in many other provinces throughout the country depending on the economic development.
UNIT 3: Logo acher and four students is in A configuration of the classroom with one teacher in the middle of the circle.
– In the top circle is the name of Homestay Volunteer Teachers Organization in Khmer
language whose short form is on the top of configuration
– In the circle below is the English name of organization with short form (H.V.T.O) under the configuration.

UNIT 4: Stamp
– Around stamp of 33mm
– There is a configuration of a classroom of a teacher and four students.
– In the top circle is the name of Homestay Volunteer Teachers Organization ni Khmer language whose short form is on the top of configuration
– In the circle below is the English name of organization with short form (H.V.T.O) under the configuration.

Chapter II: Philosophy purpose and Destination

UNIT 5: Philosophy
To see that every Cambodian Child has the right to get an education, especially English Training Courses for their benefit by using it to upgrade their studies and better their future to help to  develop in Cambodia.
UNIT 6: Purpose
1. To support the education field and to offer Free Education Programs both National and International knowledge and also other technical experiences for every Cambodian child especially for the poor and orphans.
2. To offer unofficial Education and promote the world cultural interchange through the foreigners who will come to stay with us and help to teach the children in the community.
3. To support the health systems hygienically by providing Hand Water Pumps and Water filters to the poor communities.
UNIT 7: Mission
H.V.T.O has the following missions:
1. To create Scholarship programs and unofficial English Training Courses. These Programs will be held in every primary school in every village, district and province.
2. To build Free Professional English School Programs in the rural areas.
3. To provide other professional skill and training courses.

Chapter III: Membership

UNIT 8: HOMESTAY VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ORGANIZATION has the following categories of membership:

  1. BUILDING MEMBER: Referring to those who have participated with its Organization, Creation by providing physical Labor, Ideas, Finances and Materials to create HOMESTAY VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ORGANIZATION.
  2. ACTIVE MEMBER: Referring to those who have applied to work for H.V.T.O. and agreed to respect the Internal Rules and General Statutes and work actively for the improvement of the community.
  3. SUPPORTING MEMBER: Referring to those who have come to be a part of H.V.T.O by volunteering work, giving financial support, fund raising and helping in any way to support this organization.
  4. HONORARY MEMBER: A position given by the administrative council to locals or foreigners who have contributed materials, finances and other things to support H.V.T.O.

UNIT 9: All of members of H.V.T.O must respect the General Statutes, Internal Rules and other orders which are mentioned in the Chapters and units.

UNIT 10: Termination of Membership:

A staff or a member can lose his/her membership in the following cases.

  • Official resignation in Writing

  • Death

  • Having violated the Internal Rules or Statute mentioned in Unit 9.

  • Be found guilty of a criminal offence or other offences under the Cambodian legal code.

  • Dismissed by a decision of the administrative council after the member has been warned three times.

UNIT 11: A member, who breaks, violates or behaves contrary to the Internal Rules or General Statutes will be dismissed from its position by a decision of the administrative council.

Chapter IV: Structure, Function and Duty

UNIT 12: HVTO is a small organization with the following simple administration structure.
1. Foreign Co founders, advisors and sponsors = unlimited
2. Local Co founders, advisors and sponsors = unlimited
3. Director = 1 person
4. Deputy Director = 1 person
5. Assistant to Directors General = 1 person
6. Program Manager = 2 persons
7. Staffs for Free Education Projects = unlimited
8. Staffs for Sponsorship Project = unlimited
9. Staffs for Clean Water Project = unlimited
10. Staffs for Community Development Project = unlimited
11. Staffs for Professional Training Project = unlimited
12. Homestay = unlimited
Please have a look at our Organization Chart below:

Chapter V: Finance

UNIT 20: HOMESTAY VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ORGANIZATION has the following financial resources:
– Funds received from National and international donors, organizations, and fund raising from all the members.
UNIT 21: All monies collected by H.V.T.O both in cash or credit cards must be deposited in an Account of H.V.T.O in a bank recognized by the National Bank of Cambodia.
UNIT 22: Every expense must be made very carefully in order to preserve funds for proper uses. Every deposit and withdrawal must be made with two signatures of the president of the organization and the coordinating and programming manager or secretary. No one has the right to use the money of H.V.T.O for any other purposes which are not mentioned in the Budget Plan without permission from the president of the organization.

UNIT 23: Every expense item of the budget of H.V.T.O either for staff’s salaries or for Administration and other expense must be verified by attaching invoices or receipts with the approval of the president of the organization and the coordinating manager. Every expense which is made personally without authority is not considered to be an expense of H.V.T.O and this person must personally be responsible for payment.

CHAPTER VI: Teacher Volunteer

UNIT 24: A foreigner, who volunteers to stay and teach, must pay money for accommodation, food and other personal expenses.
UNIT 25: A volunteer must be a person who comes to Cambodia legally and will have to fill out the registration form provided by H.V.T.O and he/she agrees to respect at all times the internal regulations of the organization.
UNIT 26: A volunteer must have the following:
– Traveler Insurance and Health Insurance.
– Passport.
– Traveler visa or business visa.
– Vaccinations recommended by the doctors.
– The spirit of adventure.
UNIT 27: A volunteer must have the following qualifications:
1. Must be at least 18 years old.
2. Must have a good knowledge of English for teaching.
3. Must have some experience in Teaching.
4. Must be a person who loves kids and likes to interact with them.
5. Must be a person who would be a good role model for the kids.
6. Must be a person who would be helpful and co-operative with the owner
of the house and people in the team.
7. Must have sufficient work experience.
8. Must have general knowledge which meets the requirements.
9. Must be in good health.
10.Must be hard-working.
11.Must be polite and honest.
12.Must be well-kept.
13.Must not be involved with any kind of illegal drugs.
14.Must not be involved with illegal prostitution trade or looking for
prostitution during his/her stay in the house or the village.
15.Must not be involved with the illegal trading of antiquities.
16.Be able to work in group.
17.Be creative.
18.No tie with the political parties.
19.Does not engage in crime or offenses against the Cambodian Legal Code.
20. Having a willingness to help the poor communities.
UNIT 28: A volunteer has the following duties:
1. Attend meetings for discussions with the coordinating and programming manager about teaching techniques.
2. Help to train the Khmer Teacher of English and show them new teaching technologies.
3. Discuss the teaching plan for a day or a week with the Khmer Teachers.
4. Work in team of teachers.
5. Lead the class and be responsible for his/her class.
UNIT 29: H.V.T. O has the right to dismiss or terminate a volunteer who does not respect the General Statutes and Internal Regulation of the organization.


UNIT 30: A family who can be a host for a volunteer must meet all of the requirements set up by the HOMESTAY VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ORGANIZATION.
UNIT 31: The owner of homestay must have the following qualifications required by H.V.T.O to be a proper host for the teacher volunteer.
1. There is at least one member of the family that can speak English in order to communicate with the volunteer.
2. Must be an honorific and model family toward cultural tradition.
3. A family that has a good relationship with the people in the villages or areas.
4. A family that has a good relationship with the local authority.
5. Must be a proper house which makes a comfortable stay for the volunteer. Namely good sleeping room, living room, Kitchen or dining room and clean toilette.
6. Must have acceptable knowledge of cooking.
UNIT 32: The owner of homestay must respect the Internal Rules and policies of H.V.T.O at all times.
UNIT 33: HOMESTAY VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ORGANIZATION has the right to give advice to or terminate at all times the owner of Homestay, who does not respect the Internal Rules of H.V.T.O.


UNIT 34: The meeting of H.V.T.O is divided into two:

1. Annual meeting
2. Special meeting
These two meetings are the important governance meetings of the H.V.T.O.
UNIT 35: Annual meeting
The annual meeting must be held once a year on invitation of the president of H.V.T.O. This meeting must have the attendance of administrative council, the president of the organization, the coordinating and programming manager and the secretary, all types of members and representative of every department. All the members have the right to vote on a decision and stand to be voted for except an HONORARY MEMBERS. The legal method, Agenda, place and time is the responsibility of the President. Notice of the annual meeting must be delivered at 15 days before the meeting day.
UNIT 36: Annual meeting has the following purpose:
To hold an election to choose the Administrative council.
– To produce and discuss annual reports of the existing projects and to set up new ones for next year.
– Recheck budget, expenses and other financial reports which were paid in the passing year.
– To set up the yearly Budget Plan of new projects.
– To check the General Statutes, Internal Rules, orders and to do the examination of compliance with the Internal Regulation and General Statutes.
– To discuss and resolve all questions raised at the meeting.

UNIT 37: Meeting
Meeting is held in a special case on invitation by the president or a request 2/3 of administrative council. The legal method, Agenda, place and time and meeting subpoena (call) is the same as Annual Meeting A special meeting is held for:
– To control and check on choosing, changing and removal of members, staff and to hold H.V.T.O presidential election.
– To review and approve new projects or budget needed urgently for continuity of H.V.T.O.
– To examine and decide to postpone certain activity or to break up the organization and to distribute the property of H.V.T.O when the organization is declared to be wound up officially.
UNIT 38: Every decision taken at these two types of meetings must be approved by 2/3 of the members present at the meeting.

CHAPTER IX: Correcting the General Statutes and Destruction

UNIT 39: the revision or amendment of the General Statutes and Internal rules must be done through the Annual Meeting on a 2/3 vote of the Administrative Council with the same legal method as mentioned in CHAPTER VIII unit 36, 37(meetings)
UNIT 40: The integration of revised General Statutes and Internal Rules is the responsibility of Administrative Council to carry out and to advise the Ministry of Interior.
UNIT 41: HOMESTAY VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ORGANIZATION can only be dissolved in case of approval of 2/3 of Administrative Council through a decision of Annual Meeting. After paying all the debt of H.V.T.O, and with the decision of Administrative Council, all the rest of the properties of H.V.T.O will be give to other associations or non-government organization whose purposes are similar to H.V.T.O.

CHAPTER X: Final Regulation

UNIT 42: The Administrative Council is responsible to see that the rules and regulation are carried out by H.V.T.O. Every decision contrary to the General Statutes and Internal Rules will be automatically ignored and not carried out.
UNIT 43: The General Statutes of HOMESTAY VOLUNTEER TEACHERS ORGANIZATION is valid judicially when the signature of the president of H.V.T.O is affixed.
Siem Reap: 01.08.2008


HVTO Members, donors, supporters, sponsors, volunteers and ambassadors must be abided by the Laws and Regulation

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