Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

HVTO Education Center

With the current state of world development, English skills are required for the younger generations of Cambodia for their studies and future careers. As English educational possibilities are expensive and hard to come by in Cambodia, HVTO has taken responsibility to provide free English classes to more than 500 children in the community each year. Our local English teachers, with local and foreign volunteers are teaching these children everyday and we are always looking for volunteer teachers to come and help us with English classescomputer training and library.

Computer Education Program

Probably the next most critical skill necessary for a job in the modern world is proficiency in the use of a computer. In concert with our English classes, since 2010 HVTO has offered our students free computer classes. These classes begin with the learning of basic keyboard (typing) and mouse skills and progress to learning common programs, including the Microsoft Office suite.
Many have helped, but we would like to single out Susi Ma and Yun Sowanna, Kaing Keo Vouchny, the Davidson family, Robin Walker (HVTO Co founder in Canada), The Studiosus Foundation and The Cokkinis Estate for making this program possible. Since 2012, due to a progressive lack of working computers as well as classroom space, the number of students participating in this program has declined. Computer classes have declined due to the smaller classroom.

English Education Program

English is the international language of business, so English skills are critical for employment for most professions. This is especially true in the Siem Reap area where tourism-related jobs are the most common route from poverty. The English classes offered in Cambodia have historically been far too expensive for the average Cambodian. To address this HVTO offers free English classes to young students interested in careers outside of their village. Since 2011 this program has grown to about 500 students and is set to grow further with the construction of an additional school building.
Local Cambodian English teachers – including our own HVTO students, with the help of international volunteers, enable us to carry out this program. If you are interested in volunteering to help us with this project please click this link.


To teach in the classroom and allow children to study at home HVTO maintains a library of English books at the school. Through the generosity of many friends what began in 2008 as only a small portable library is now a resource with over 3,000 books. We use the walls of one of our classrooms as the library, but as you can see from the gallery, we are in need of sturdy bookshelves. If you are interested in helping donate books to our library, please send them to us.

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