Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

Our Projects

Human Resource Development Program

HVTO has 370 members of whom 8 are permanent staff and who are heads of operation; 38 work in clean water project, toilet project, and bio sand filter project; 324 are sponsored students who volunteer to help and teach in HVTO CENTER.

HVTO Financial Program

having seen our work first-hand, Viking and Studiosus tour groups are HVTO’s main source of support. Thank you Studiosus and Viking Cruises for your unflagging support in maintaining our core programs.

Eco-Tourism Program

Among them are charity tourists who come through the Responsible Tourists program, which they not only visit for themselves but also for others. Act and find opportunities to help the poor through various programs in the communities they visit.

Volunteering Program

Volunteering is not for everybody. It requires a great deal of patience, flexibility and sensitivity to other cultures. Those who are self-motivated, enthusiastic and have a genuine interest in the host people and their culture will get the most us of time spent volunteering to help and get the experience of our culture for yourself.

Free Education Center

HVTO is a non-profit NGO that develops and manages projects of Free Education Programs (English Programs, Computer Training and Library) Education Sponsorship Program and Clean Water Projects. HVTO development projects simultaneously create job opportunities for local people.

Free English and Computer Learning

English is the international language of business, so English skills are critical for employment for most professions. This is especially true in the Siem Reap area where tourism-related jobs are the most common route from poverty.

Scholarship for Educations Program

Our sponsors historically have shown a marked preference in choosing girls, with girls representing nearly 2/3rds of all sponsorships. However, their drop-rate is almost double that of the boys, who now represent 58% of our graduates.

Vocational Training Program

In the community, there are a number of young men and women who have limited education and have not had the opportunity to pursue higher education, which enables them to qualify for employment in various paid fields. High in addition to work as unskilled construction workers, low wages, and a clear unemployment crisis.

Well Water Pump

ADOL has committed to drilling a total of 1,200 wells in 2022, so we have an additional 800 to drill to meet our goal. However, never forget, HVTO remains committed to drilling water wells for smaller sponsors as we always have in the past.

Bio Sand Filtration Program

Prior to the work of HVTO, much of the water consumed in our area of activity came from pits dug in the earth’s surface that collected rainwater runoff. With both human and animal waste collecting at the surface this created a horrendous water quality issue, affecting everything from general health to infant mortality.

Toilet For Household

From the beginning of 2023 until this June, the partnership between HVTO and A Drop of Life has just helped 100 more families have access to their own toilets without having to defecate in the open areas.

Community and Development

Community development is fundamentally based on the values of human rights, social justice, equality and respect for diversity. The principles which underpin its practice are Self-determination – people and communities have the right to make their own choices and decisions.

House Charity Program

HVTO has now secured funds for the building of 30 houses for homeless and poorly-housed families since 2016. Over half of these have been funded by the tremendous generosity of Kathrine J. Burns who began her donations last year.

Food Relief Program

This is the sixth activity of HVTO Team in helping the vulnerable families and up to date we have helped 597 families in total. We wanted to inform you HVTO received the second donation of Mr. Bill Walker and Mrs. Caren von Hippel from South Carolina, USA to do this project.

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