Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center

Welcome to HVTO Center


Having seen our work first-hand, Viking and Studiosus tour groups are HVTO’s main source of support. Thank you Studiosus and Viking Cruises for your unflagging support in maintaining our core programs.

Living all over the world, with the aid of modern technology, former guests not only help financially, but also provide administrative assistance. All that’s required is a computer and access to the internet.

Tourists returning to take part in teaching at the HVTO School bring a perspective of the outside world that our students can get in no other way. So, we encourage all of our supporters to consider becoming one of our volunteer teachers.

Patti Baker, a former Viking guest, is the President of Homestay Teachers Volunteer Organization, Inc., a 501c3 (charitable) organization incorporated in Florida to provide tax relief to US citizens that fund HVTO in Cambodia.

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